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WRLD Tech Co. (WRLD Inc.)

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WRLD Tech Co. (WRLD Inc.)

🧬 Vision & Mission of WRLD (Inc.)

What are we doing, and why are we doing it.

🧭 Mission

At WRLD.Tech, our mission is to provide our clients with the most proficient technology-focused solutions to expedite and streamline their growth.

⚖️ Values

Move with urgency and focus

Our users entrust us with their security, their infrastructure, and their operational efficiency. When things mess up, we are on top of it. When we mess up, miss a deadline, or slow down, it matters. We take that responsibility seriously.

Innovation at the Edge:

We are committed to staying at the forefront of technology innovation, constantly exploring new tools and approaches to improve our clients' businesses.

Foundational Integrity

At WRLD.Tech, we believe that integrity is the foundation of any successful business relationship. We operate with integrity and transparency, always putting our clients' best interests first. We believe that honesty and ethical behavior are non-negotiable, and we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of integrity in everything we do.

🔭 Vision

Our vision is to be the leading technology partner for businesses looking to leverage the latest technology tools and services to unlock new levels of productivity, efficiency, and growth.

Excellence Measured by Action:

We strive for excellence in everything we do, delivering top-notch service and solutions to our clients.

Collaboration and Communication:

We believe that collaboration is the key to success, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and providing tailored solutions to meet those needs.
We are humble and approachable, valuing open communication and feedback to constantly improve and exceed our clients' expectations. At WRLD.Tech, we believe that staying humble is essential to building strong relationships with our clients and fostering a collaborative culture within our team.

Our commitment to integrity means that we take a collaborative approach with our clients, working closely with them to understand their unique needs and objectives. We provide transparent communication throughout the project lifecycle, keeping our clients informed about our progress and any challenges we encounter. If issues arise, we proactively address them and work to find solutions that align with our clients' goals.
In addition to our client relationships, we also hold ourselves to a high standard of integrity in our partnerships and vendor relationships. We seek out partners who share our commitment to ethical business practices and transparency, ensuring that we can deliver the best possible solutions and services to our clients.
At WRLD.Tech, we believe that integrity is essential to building trust and lasting relationships with our clients. We are proud to operate with the highest levels of integrity and to be a trusted partner for businesses looking to leverage technology to achieve their goals.

Brand Guide Logo Design
Header Image
Logo [Light]
wrld-whitey 1.png
Logo [Dark Mono]
wrld-black-square2x 1.png
Logo [#00adee]
WRLD_squre_logo_1142px 1.png
Cover [2020]
WRLD-Tech-bg-home2x 1.png
Brand Assets
Logo Square + Full Size PNG's [Dark Mono]
📈Cover / Marketing Image 1
Blue Logo Square + Full Size PNG's [OG]
Logo Square + Full Size PNG's [White]
Adobe Express
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Our Values

Obsession to Details
Curiosity and Exploration
Bias for Action

Our Promise

Consistent, reliable, service
Honesty and candor
Goal aligned
Competitive rates and referrals
Satisfaction guaranteed
Your success is our success

What Makes Us

We're a business technology consulting firm. We are, and work with, a wide array of technology and marketing professionals, partners and vendors. With this, we can feasibly leverage a wide array of technology requirements for SMB's.
Think anything technology, from simple things like on site networking, security, IT systems, even pretty awesome VoIP. To higher level work like web development and design, marketing systems and CRM consultation. Honestly, if it has a screen or talks in 0's and 1' then we will likely be of help! Too many hats? No! We optimize and integrate our network of partner pros, such as utilizing our server infrastructure in almost all aspects, to referring professional & local pros.
We're located in Dallas Texas but have reps and clients in Austin and Denver Colorado. Typically we come to you, as we find it helpful to come on site due to the nature of technology consulting. Our physical address is 175 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas TX 75207.
Our official hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday thru Friday. But typically you'll find us pretty flexible.

Some Random Terms / Notes:

OaaS - Optimization as a Service

POaaS - Process Optimization as a Service

Utilizes AI and existing systems to find the most attainable processes in any industry, from medicine to manufacturing.

EoT - Economy of Things

GEoT - Global Economy of Things
LEoT - Local Economy of Things

| WISP | Fixed Wireless | Rural Connectivity

Copy for partner relations:
Hi! My name is Ridgeway Lawrence and I'm the founder of WRLD Inc. / WRLD Tech Co. which is a specialized / custom technology solutions consultancy located in Dallas, Texas. I am reaching because we are looking to partner with a firm to assist and/or provide sales referrals to global clients. Our client base is of the 'higher' end budgets and as such, referrals are often very trusting. We have been installing and building out networks with Starlink as the 'backhaul' for clients with large acreage land (avg. 1,000-10,000 acre PtMP fixed wireless installs for ranches/rural areas that lack even cell reception. At this point we've now been referred to help advise and setup projects which are beginning to be out of scope of our USA-based technician network. We have 3 projects in the pipeline of which one is Maritime and 2 are locations in Africa (we are looking and advising ROAM-style to setup backhaul for a fixed wireless PtMP install). We are reaching out as we are now researching a global-level partner to assist and support in these deals as we expand our service and support for clients outside the USA. Anyway, I hope to hear back as we have one of our representatives in Houston that can meet or discuss in person if that works better. I look forward to hearing back!

Best regards,
Ridgeway Lawrence
Lead Project Manager, Founder
WRLD Inc. || WRLD Tech Co.
e: ||
d: +19725366559 || w: +14692999598 x107
https://WRLD.Tech || WRLD.Host
4707 Algiers St. Ste 101, Dallas TX 75207

Chat GPT-4 Academic Research Goal:

We will be studying the use cases for GPT-4 and how it can directly and indirectly benefit MSP companies by heavily automating workflows, ticket replies and resolutions with customers while maintaining a human-like aspect (being undiscernible from a human and AI while going through troubleshooting).

Additionally, we would also be studying how to overcome the physical aspect of troubleshooting using GPT-4’s image-to-text mechanics.

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